Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Music Facts

In the wake of roughly one thousand movie memes going around right now, Meaghan over at Wild Celtic decided it was time to do one about music. So I'll play along because 1) I said I would, 2) I was tagged and 3) I haven't written anything that has been my own on this site for 2 days so you may need a reminder that I am still here.

1. Open up your iTunes, music player, spin the CD, whatever, hit shuffle and tell us what is the first song to play...

Supercrush! by Devin Townsend

2. Name your top 5 favorite bands/musicians of all time

In no particular order: Nine Inch Nails, Tom Waits, Mike Patton (and all his bands), Devin Townsend (and all his bands) and Boyhitscar

3. What was your first CD to own? (8 track, Record, CD, MP3 for the newbies)

The first CD was Ren and Stimy's Radio Daze, but I started with tapes years before and my first was Weird Al's Greatest Hits.

4. Of all the bands/artists in your cd/record collection, which one do you own the most albums by?

Nine Inch Nails- When I heard the Downward Spiral i decided that I must own everything that NIN put their name on, which meant obsessive searching through every music store in sight for singles and EPS and importats. Today I have like 30 or 40 things by them (some of them may be worth some money) but yes, my days as an obsessive CD collector is done. It's DVDs now.

5. What was the last song you listened to?

Splinter by Sevendust, man that chorus soars.

6. What song would you say sums you up?

In grade eight it would have been Surfacing by Slipknot. Nowadays....I have no idea.

7. What’s your favorite local band or band that originated from your hometown?

The Kung Fu Lawyers

8. What's the greatest concert you've ever been to?

I've been to two concerts (Alexisonfire and Jack's Mannequin), one was free and the other was for my gilfriend's birthday. I don't particularily like either band but I guess Jack's is the better of the two if I needed to pick.

9. What musician would you like to hang out with for a day?

Tom Waits

10. What was the greatest decade for music?

All of them

11. What is your favorite movie soundtrack?


12. What’s the most awful CD/record/etc. you’ve ever bought?

There was this band called 20 Dead Flower Children who were cool at the time so I tracked down their hard to find debut album, but I didn't know it had a different singer and it was pretty unlistenable. A band that people would know? Probably something by Limp Bizkit.

13. What's your favorite band t-shirt or poster?

I only have a NIN poster in my room.

14. Rolling Stones or The Beatles??

Never really got into either but I'd say Stones because of Sumpathy for the Devil and Gimmie Shelter.

15. What is the one song you would most like played at your funeral? Your birthday? While on a romantic date?

Funeral- Innocent When you Dream by Tom Waits, Birthday- no idea, Date- She by Elvis Costello

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