Friday, April 2, 2010

A Question on Good Friday

It's Good Friday which, besides the resurrection of Jesus and all that nice stuff means little to me as I get Friday's off anyway. Bummer.

Regardless, remember a week or so ago when James Cameron was talking about how soon so many movies will be in 3D that no one will care because the gimmick will lose it's specificity and people will just be bored by it? That time seems to be coming sooner than later.

It was reported today on /Film that there is plans for a fourth theatrical American Pie movie, which would pick up where American Wedding left off with most of the original cast returning (forgetting those 4 stupid direct-to-video American Pie Presents movies). It's apparently being written and directed by the two guys who wrote the Harold and Kumar movies. Oh yeah, and it might be in 3D.

Now, I know 3D is the hot commodity right now and all and it seems to have gotten to the point where studios feel their movies must be in 3D just to compete at the box office (which explains this whole Clash of the Titans post-production "fake" 3D conversion process) but really, is anyone out there going to see this just because of 3D?

Not only is it a comedy, but it's an established brand name series. What could 3D possibly add to American Pie that would propel anyone but those who would see it anyway to buy tickets? I don't know, am I so out of touch with the whole 3D craze that I'm just not getting it and people are actually excited by this news or does this just seem like one step closer to the inevitable demise of either 3D, Hollywood blockbusters or both?

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